In Business Since 1986

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To Achieve, You Need To Believe!

Person raising arms in front of sunrise or sunset, symbolizing freedom and new beginnings.

The experts said it was impossible… No way a person could run a mile under 4 minutes. They said it so often, with authority, that the world believed them.

But, in 1952 at the Helsinki Olympics, Roger Bannister (who must not have paid much attention to the experts) became the first person to run the mile in under 4 minutes.

And then you know what happened? Within the next 12 months, 24 different people broke the 4-minute mile?

How was that possible, when for so many years people were told it was not possible?

Was there drastic changes in man’s DNA in that year?

Did they all go on steroids?

No, none of those things happened…

But one thing did change. One thing that we all need to reach our full potential.

The one thing that changed was the BELIEF in people’s minds that it was possible.

Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

So many people start something thinking that they won’t be successful. Or, the best case scenario, they want to be successful, but…

They don’t truly believe it will happen.

Then when the first obstacle rises up, they quit. Then they blame their failure on everything but themselves.

You must believe! Others have done it, why not you?

Michael Jordan said, “If you’re trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I’ve had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”

Overcoming Obstacles

So, how are successful people different. Well, they are pretty much the same, except in two very important ways.

The first, they really believe they can achieve their goals. No, not believe…they know they can be successful.

Second, they don’t stop trying. They don’t give up just because there are obstacles.

The Power of Belief

Please do not let yourself down. Do what it takes to achieve what you want. Don’t let anything stop you. Believe in yourself and your capabilities. And, take responsibility for everything; your failures and your successes.

I will leave you with this Thomas Carlyle quote…

“Nothing stops the man who desires to achieve. Every obstacle is simply a course to develop his achievement muscle. It’s a strengthening of his powers of accomplishment.”


Author picture

Michael Gravette is the founder of Safety Technology, a company that specializes in providing non-lethal self-defense devices. He is an Air Force veteran, serving in Vietnam in 1969 at Tan Son Nhut Air Base in Saigon. He started this business in 1986 with just one product, stun guns, operating from his home. Over the years, Safety Technology has grown to become one of the largest drop ship wholesalers of self-defense products in the country; offering a wide range of items including stun guns, pepper sprays, personal alarms, hidden cameras, and knives.

9 Responses

  1. If you shoot for the moon and miss, remember, you will still be among the stars.
    Enjoyed your post, thank you, Michael Wynar.

    1. Agree, I do believe in myself so stay away from those that feel that me having a business is a waste of time. And it’s important for me to hone my skills and learn new one’s. Doing so will enhance my opportunity to be successful.

      1. During this recent pandemic i remember a quote,’ Every adversity carries within it the seed of an equal or greater benefit, if you look for it. I am now searching for the benefit.

  2. I believe this to be well said Michael, it is very easy for humankind to give up. I for one have done so far too many times in my life, and until recently when I changed my mindset to accept that there is nothing I cannot accomplish whether I possess the skills or not. If the skills are not there I can learn from YouTube or some other place on the internet. Never settle for failure, pick yourself up and keep trying.

  3. I heard that Colonel Sanders did not make it big until he turned 65. So, with that being said I guess it is now my time to shine as I turned 65 last monthy. Time to rise up and make it happen. Thank you Mike.

  4. Visualization is using your imagination to see yourself being, doing and having the good which you desire. Whatever Idea you make clear in your mind, must happen in your experience. Reverend Ike (June 1, 1935 – July 28, 2009 )

    1. Visualizing is very important to any achievement. Its basically about creating a magnet for what you want. It starts with desire, but to be truly effective, it must have emotion embedded with the desire. That’s why instead of visualizing more money, for instance, you visualize the way your life would be with that extra money. When you do that, there will be feeling, emotion involved. If you visualize helping someone who may need something but can’t afford it, that act of giving will bring emotion into your visualization making that magnet much stronger.

  5. This blog really hits home with the importance of belief and persistence, especially when it comes to self-defense. Just like Roger Bannister broke barriers, we can overcome obstacles in our personal safety too. So often, people don’t see the value of self-defense products until it’s too late. It’s like how the United States did not beef up its security until after 9/11. Also I’ve had young ladies come up to me saying, “Hey, I need pepper spray because my ex-boyfriend won’t stop stalking me.” There’s more but I think you got the idea. So what I’m saying its it’s not just about having tools like pepper spray or personal alarms, it’s about feeling confident that you can protect yourself when the time comes. Being proactive in your safety is empowering, just like believing in yourself helps you achieve the impossible.

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